A couple of weeks ago I was scrolling through Facebook and came across a post from a friend's partner……. My friend had passed away suddenly, his partner, the love of his life and mother to their two beautiful teenage girls. Who could see that coming, no illness, no signs of ill health, nothing. It saddened me that a friend posted a week or so later that she had set up a Go Fund Me page. A wonderful gesture and one I have contributed to, I live too far to travel to the service, sending flowers would be respectful but sending money seemed the right thing to do. The family may, or may not, need some financial help though I do recall how long probate took for my own father and we the children had to contribute until funds were released.
There are all sorts of insurances a person can get from becoming unemployed, critical, or terminal illness, medical, the list is endless but why do we only protect our cars and our homes and not our families for when we leave this earth.
And what about our business? Can it run with out me or someone in your employment? Can my family continue to live in our home and have the lifestyle they have come accustomed to after I am gone? Or what if I become critical or terminally ill, I might not be able to work, I might be not be able use the hand I use to sign with….
All these thoughts have come rushing at me these past few weeks with trying to work with COVID, a trapped nerve in my leg and then I go and get gastroenteritis. Thankfully I have managed to work around the deadlines and illness’s BUT WHAT IF I COULDN’T?
I am currently updating my Relevant Life Cover and Terminal Illness Insurance. I took a policy out a while back and before I knew it was about to run out and strangely no one rang me to extend it or start a new one!
Top tip, get protection and keep them updated as things change, don’t I know it, my babies have all flown the nest, but I have employees and now grandchildren to still consider...